It Turned Into A Dark And Stormy Day.

August 12, 2009 Cooking

I was supposed to go out to Milton to see my Wunderbar today…but what started out as a bright and lovely day turned into tropical storm weather right at two-o’clock.  What time was I supposed to grab up my Awesome Babysitter and head out to the equine playground?  That’s right, two-o’clock.  Clearly, Somebody felt that […]

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April Knows How To Manipulate Me….

August 8, 2009 Running

I will NOT be meeting the driver of the Loser Wagon, thank you very much! He might be honking at my heels, but that’s as far is it’s going, man!

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Strawberry Shortcake Cake from ThePioneerWoman

August 7, 2009 Baked Goodness

Best summer cake, ever!

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Caramel Apple Cupcakes

August 7, 2009 Baked Goodness

This recipe came from a Taste of Home magazine, and it is go-o-o-o-od.  And pretty easy, too! The Cast: -1 package (18.25 ounces) spice cake mix -2 cups peeled, diced granny smith apples (smaller is better.  I did fairly large chunks and will definitely be going smaller next time) -20 caramels (I say you need […]

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What the Heck??

August 7, 2009 Baby Stuff

Why are you talking about breastfeeding, you freak?

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