
by Becki D on June 27, 2011

Howdy, Bloggy Buddies!

June has been a crazzzzy month.  Long story short, my amazing MIL who I love and adore came down with a super rare and usually pretty deadly form of Encephalitis (which I will rename SE for Susan’s Encephalitis):

“Without treatment, SE results in rapid death in approximately 70% of cases; survivors suffer severe neurological damage. When treated, SE is still fatal in one-third of cases, and causes serious long-term neurological damage in over half of survivors. Twenty percent of treated patients recover with minor damage. Only a small population of survivors (2.5%) regain completely normal brain function.”

Which one doctor and one emergency room failed to recognize and therefore let it go untreated for about 11 days before she was finally taken to a Sacred Heart hospital an hour away in P’Cola, where the correct diagnosis was made and she was admitted and started on the appropriate treatment.  Pretty intense stuff.

But!  Amazing, miraculous news:  after being the hospital a little over two weeks, she is now back home and on the road to recovery.  In case you didn’t know this:  God DOES hear and answer prayers.  There is always hope, even against the worst odds!

In the middle of the month, my little Danielle had her FIRST BIRTHDAY!  I had initially been planning on having a princess/unicorn/rainbow party here at the house for her, but after everything happened with Susan, I started googling for places to have kid’s parties in P’Cola.  We ended up at a very cool mini amusement park that had Rocky and Bullwinkle birthday packages.  So then I had to figure out how to make some moose cake/cupcakes.  My friends over at Hello, Cupcake had the perfect solution from their new book, “What’s New, Cupcake?”

Chocolate Moose Cupcake

I know.  You just died a little, right?  They turned out so cute!  All you need is cupcakes, canned frosting, candy melts, mini MM’s, tootsie rolls, candy coated sunflower seeds and Twinkies.  You can find really good instructions at this blog: Corned Beef and Kimchi.  The only thing that I did really differently, was I cut plastic straws in half and stuck the twinkie onto the cupcake with them.  Otherwise, they are really top heavy and would not survive transportation intact.

Yes, these cupcakes represent all the sugar you would need to eat for a year.  Whatever.  They’re adorable sugar bombs!  I did chocolate and strawberry, in an attempt to make things a little more girlie for my girl.

Bullwinkle Cupcake

Everybody at the park was appropriately impressed, and Danielle was just happy to finally have a cupcake all to herself!

First Birthday Party

It was a great party, and we are so thankful for out little Danielle and all of our friends and family who help make everything extra special.  We love you guys!

Bullwinkle Birthday Party



{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Brooke June 27, 2011 at 3:10 pm

Those are so cute! But is that a whole twinkie? On top of a whole cupcake?


Paula June 27, 2011 at 3:22 pm

I’m happy that your MIL is back home and recovering, pretty frightening two weeks for everyone I’m sure. Your moose cupcakes are adorable! What a fun idea for the kids. You did a great job on them.


katie o. June 28, 2011 at 6:06 pm

I am in love with these! Becki- you are insanely talented!


Chris July 11, 2011 at 6:26 pm

Hope everything is better! Love the blog. Fun attitude!


Jenny August 2, 2011 at 1:53 pm

Danielle is a doll. Happy birthday to her! And hope the SE gets better 🙁


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