Henry’s Birthday Brownie Pops

by Becki D on May 6, 2010

As I mentioned before, The Hip Seamstress, aka Michelle, commissioned me to make some brownie pops for her precious Henry’s first birthday.  Was I totally flattered and stoked??  You know it!

Michelle gave me a lot of leeway to do what I wanted with the pops, she just specified that she’d like to have an “H” on them somewhere, and gave me the color scheme – lime green, red and blue.  I decided right off that I wanted to make some cupcake-shaped pops (yep 99% of my inspiration comes from Bakerella.  She rocks!)

To incorporate the “H” I used a fondant pen to write H’s on the blank sides of green, red and blue MnM’s.  Pretty straightforward, eh?

Making stuff with candy melts is messy business.  It’s also very aggravating.  I had to add quite a bit of shortening to the candy melts to get them good and spreadable.  If anyone has tips on coloring white almond bark, puhlease let me know!

I used the colored candy melts for the bottoms:

And white almond bark for the tops.  Add some sprinkles and an MnH, and here’s what we’ve got:

Then I bagged them, and tagged them with my own home-made tags.  I made the tags in batches beginning about a week out from the party date.  That way they didn’t stress me out and it gave me something to do while I watched my Netflix.

I used a cone-shaped styrofoam floral thingie, wrapped in “happy birthday” tissue paper to display the pops.  Pretty cool, eh?  I know this picture is not the best, but I took it minutes before I ran out the door to deliver them.  Better pictures to come from the party!

I made these using my new favorite brownie recipe for The Best Cocoa Brownies, Ever! and they worked perfectly.  I didn’t need to add anything to make the brownies “ball-able,” and Michelle wanted hers kept plain.  I did use the leftovers to make a few rocky road pops for myself, though.  I put the brownies in the food processor with some finely chopped pecans and marshmallow fluff, then coated those pops with chocolate almond bark. AWESOME.

And that’s how Henry’s party pops came to be!

Happy birthday, Henry!


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

stephanie May 9, 2010 at 6:40 am

wow, great job!!!


Michelle Uhlfelder May 10, 2010 at 1:40 am

They were SOOO GOOD!!! I’m so thankful you did them Becki- seriously, I STILL dream about them!!! 🙂


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