Far Cry From A Gamer (or not)

by Becki D on August 24, 2009

David is a busy guy.  He’s awesome with computers and he loves sharing his skillzWord.  This keeps him in demand with our families, friends, church, new acquaintances…everybody needs technical help these days, it seems.  This makes David happy!

Which is great, except that David is usually running around like the proverbial headless chicken while Lauren and I stay at home, missing him and getting cranky about it.  OK, I get cranky about it.  And because David is human, he likes to unwind when he comes home.  One of his favorite ways to do this is playing shooting games on the computer…but he hardly ever gets to do this because there’s always more work to be done, and I am super clingy.  And you know, he has a baby to play with, too.

So last week I got the bright idea that I would score some major “awesome wife” points and ask David to find a shoot-em-up game that we could play together/against eachother across this interwebby thing.  Of course he thought this was a GREAT idea (after carefully questioning me to determine whether this was a trap of some sort) and spent one whole evening carefully researching, browsing, and test-driving various games.  His final choice was Far Cry.  I played the tutorial for approximately 2 minutes before taking the time to create a really cute blue character and then quitting for life.  I don’t think David even noticed that I stopped playing.  He played into the wee hours of the morning Friday night (after Marshall’s Sweet Send-Off at J&T’s….where I beat David at Wii table tennis twice in a row – booyah!), and could I be upset?  No, I could not!  Not only did I create this monster, but I insisted upon it – remember, he questioned me at length to determine if I was serious about him finding a game.  I stayed up into the wee hours that night, also…doing my own computer nerd stuff.  Have you ever met Farm Town on Facebook?

Saturday we both slept in, then I made a huge breakfast at Dave’s request and we ate ourselves into food comas.  Dave worked his coma off playing Far Cry.  Then he spent the rest of the day attempting to mow the lawn, but the mower is messed up and would only run for 3 minutes at a time and then it would overheat and have to rest.  So of course Dave spent the resting time playing Far Cry.

We had a vague plan to go see a movie Saturday night…I want to go to the movies SO BAD that I was willing to “compromise” from my MUST SEE MOVIE OF THE SUMMER – “Julie & Julia” to David’s choice of “District 9.”  What?  That doesn’t sound like a compromise at all?  Look people, I am desperate for some movie theater popcorn and a date with my husband, OK?  And alright, the alien movie sounds kind of cool, too.

In the end, all 3 of us (me, Dave and Lauren!) took a late afternoon nap that made us miss the early evening showing of D-9, as the cool kids call it (or maybe they don’t) so we decided to just go out to dinner in Crestucky with Lauren and call it a semi-date.  We both wanted Italian, so we headed to Mia’s.  They are not open on the weekends.  We drove by the Wild Olive, but that looked a little too fancy for our baby seat.  We drove down the “main street” and I think there were maybe 20 other Crestuckians out.  This town is off the chain crazay, let me tell you what.

So we settled in at Coach’n’Four, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and David did not.  He ordered the filet mignon, and instead got a mangled…something.  He’s still not sure what he ate, but he said it was so hard to chew that he ended up swallowing some pieces whole.  To add insult to injury, when he told the waiter about it, his manager authorized him to take $1 off the price.  Yes, you read that right.  We have eaten at Coach’n’Four many times, and have always enjoyed the food and the service.  And even this time, my food and our waiter was great.  So we are still scratching our heads, trying to determine how we feel about this faux mignon, $1 discount ordeal.

After that we grabbed some mochas, browsed the movies at the local rentery and found nothing and came home.  We watched “The Great Buck Howard” via Netflix on the computer instead.  When I say “we watched it” I mean that I watched half of it and passed out on David’s shoulder while he watched it.  Somewhere along my twenties, I have lost the ability to watch an entire movie at home.  I can’t do it.

We had a great Sunday – we had our first communion in the new sanctuary during the morning service and SIX people were baptized during the evening service!  In between, we stayed over at my parent’s house, where my Mom and I thoroughly stomped David and my Dad at Spades.  Yes, I am gloating, thank you very much!  And did you get a load of the weather yesterday??  It felt like fall already!!  I absolutely love the fall – it is totally my favorite season.

In summary, it was a lovely weekend!  A Far Cry from a Gamer’s weekend, if you will.

I have a full heart this Monday,


{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

stephanie August 24, 2009 at 5:04 pm

would you believe me if i said we watched the great buck howard on saturday night too?? well, our saturday night, so it was still friday morning for you but still. that is ca-razy. i thought it was an ok movie, the handshake thing made me giggle every time.


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